Tip Jar WP is a WordPress plugin, built to help creators get paid.

Try it with this test Credit Card!
4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiry: 12/34
CVC: 123
ZIP: 12345

Meet Tip Jar WP

A beautiful new income stream for creators.

The smoothest pay flow ever

Our smart tipping form knows if your visitor's device supports Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay, or just a Credit Card, and shows the right payment option for them automatically. It's like having a customized Tip Jar for each visitor, and each one fits them like a glove.

Accept recurring payments

Start accepting automatically recurring payments/tips from your users. Allow them to pick from one-time only, weekly, monthly, or yearly, and Tip Jar WP takes care of the rest. From automatically sending email reminders about upcoming payments, to letting them cancel at any time, you're ready to start building recurring revenue right away!

Stay-on-page tip form

You've worked hard to get a visitor onto your site. With Tip Jar WP, they can give you money without ever leaving the page they are on, right to their printable receipt, on your website, with your branding. Let your users tip you without skipping a beat, a word, or a video you've posted.

Feel the love

After leaving a tip, your visitors can leave you a little note as well - right in the tip form. It's a great way to get feedback and encouragement from your most-engaged visitors.

Put tip forms anywhere

Put your tip form on a blog post, sales page, site footer, or anywhere at all! Copy/Paste this shortcode, and that's it:


Tip Button or Tip Form

Start with a less-intrusive "leave a tip" button by using the shortcode like this:

[tipjarwp mode="button"]

That will give you an in-place button like this:

Built with GDPR in mind

Tip Jar WP stores absolutely no personally identifiable information about your users. No names, credit card information, IP addresses, nothing. Only emails are stored by WordPress itself, and can be erased using WP's normal erase-personal-data process.

Security is our middle name

We take security of the utmost seriousness. Built on the Stripe Elements API with full support for Stripe Radar included, no credit card information ever touches your website's server. That means you get SAQ-A PCI compliance right out-of-the-box.

Works with all page builders

Whether it's Divi, Elementor, Beaver Builder, Gutenberg, the Classic Editor, ClassicPress, or any other page builder for WordPress, Tip Jar WP is ready to go anywhere in seconds.

Useful data

Find out which pages/posts generated the most tips using Tip Jar WP's reports. Was it your new apple pie recipe? Or your latest yoga how-to video? Now you'll know which content your visitors appreciate the most.

Let tippers manage their payments

With the "Manage Payments" option, your auto-recurring subscribers can log in to handle things. This allows them to cancel their plan or grab their receipt for any transaction, all without needing to contact you. This is included in the tip form automatically, so no need to set up any extra pages. It's always easy to find for your users, in the exact same spot where they first tipped you.

We don't make money unless you do

Tip Jar WP is totally free to install. That means you can get started without buying anything from us. The way we make money is through a 1% transaction fee (plus Stripe fees). So we don't make money unless you do. That means we have your best interests in mind at all times; we aren't successful unless you are. Stripe's fees are 2.9% + .30 per transaction.

1 plugin, all-inclusive features

Tip Jar WP is a fully featured plugin, including full support for automatic recurring payments, a customer management dashboard, and all other features with no add-ons required. It's also totally free to download and install. Get all features with a single plugin, no muss no fuss. Say hello to the frustration-free way of accepting tips on your WordPress website.

Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more

On the cutting edge of payment tech, Tip Jar WP gives you the quickest payment options on the market, like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay, and more. Making tipping easy for your visitors is key to success. It's our entire mantra, and we believe in the success of artists and creators. Start monetizing your passion today.

Extreme fraud prevention

Tip Jar WP also fully supports the latest in fraud detection technology provided through Stripe. This includes the latest Stripe Radar, Strong Customer Authentication, and 3D Secure, which shifts chargeback liability to the card issuer where the card brand supports it (Visa, Mastercard, etc). This protects you from chargebacks, and also prevents stolen credit cards from being used on your website.

Ready for any screen

Regardless of the device your users use to browse your website, Tip Jar WP will look great. From phones to tablets to laptops, our responsive design will be optimized for the user, making it as simple and easy to tip you as possible.

Let users pay in their currency

When users pay in their own currency, they know what to expect, and how much they are paying. This makes them more likely to follow through with the payment. It helps make them feel "at home" and comfortable with the experience. Ultimately, you end up with more tips, and your users are happier. Tip Jar WP supports all of Stripe's currencies, and our entire behind-the-scenes data structure is built with it in mind.

No sign-up process = faster payments.
No sign-up process = faster payments.

Tip Jar WP automatically generates WordPress user accounts for your users when they pay, so there's no need for them to fill out extra fields, remember passwords, or anything to slow them down. It's truly the most painless way to accept payments from your users.

1 Simple Form / Many uses

While the tip form is extremely easy to use and pay-with, the possible uses for it are many. From allowing people to "pay what they want" for a file download, setting it to "Buy me a coffee", Donations, Tip Form and more, how you communicate with your users is entirely up to you.

Built for creators.

Tip Jar WP was built for creators. It's designed to help you monetize your passion, and get you back to creating. No messing with code or complicated set-up. Artists, teachers, musicians, YouTubers, bloggers, podcasters, this WordPress plugin is for you.

We believe in creators

We believe creators and artists bring intrinsic value to our world. They inspire us, spark our imaginations, help us grow, and push us beyond mere survival to a place of joy, wonder, and connection with something greater. At Tip Jar WP, helping artists and creators continue on that mission, is our mission.

Fund your passions

We want to help you fund your passions, and create something amazing. With the support of your audience, there's no telling the awesome things you'll create.